What The "Bell Let's Talk" Initiative Can Teach Us To Battle The Mental Health Stigma (Simply)

        Two days ago was Bell Let's Talk Day, a day focused on ending the stigma of mental health in Canada, which, in recent years, has spread internationally. The logo is...simple.
The "Bell Let's Talk" Logo

        Yeah, it's simple, indeed. Just a smiley face and a speech bubble, that's it. The clear context of this logo is one of the many reasons why simplicity is important in branding. In conclusion, choose simple logo design.

Two Yellow Emoji on Yellow Case
Smileys! (:

        Speaking of mental health, I have also narrowed down a simple solution to combat it: self-awareness. Self-awareness is important because it allows you to improve yourself in newfound ways. One of my philosophies is "Treat the infection at its source". What this means is that the best way to solve a problem targets whatever is causing it directly. Practices like meditation, discussion, and therapy can help find the root of the problem and treat it from there.

        Although it's only one day, we can contribute to mental health every day, through any action, big or small. Let's take every opportunity we have to help ourselves and others during these hard times of life. So, good news everyone: the solution is simple.

Hey, spring is coming, and so is Jay Shetty's new book "Think Like A Monk"! Look out for my recapitulation (that might become a series) this April (or May)!

        Oh, I'm not done talking yet. I just watched the brand-new documentary "Miss Americana", about Taylor Swift's long-time-coming as an artist, a woman, and a truly unique individual. I loved seeing the behind-the-scenes production of her songs from her albums Reputation and Lover. Taylor is so imaginative, upbeat, talented, and maturely musical, that as she writes her songs, the words and notes just come to her, very quickly. Of course, it was never an inborn ability of hers, but it has developed throughout her career as a singer-songwriter, who has had impact on millions of young people around the world. Watch it with your mom like I did, you will instantly get to step in her shoes. It also gives you a glimpse into her authentic life. She's a remarkable woman who has dealt with many problems for the more than 10 years of her fame. I totally recommend it, especially to those who were never fans of her, and you will definitely relate to some part of it. 👍Before you watch it, though, I warn you, you have to be prepared for any revelation, no mater how shocking, because Taylor gets candid throughout the course of this documentary. All in all, it is something that will change how you think of her in the end, it did for me anyway. 😁Check it out if you have Netflix.

(Notice I left 13 spaces between my announcement and the above paragraph. After all, it is Taylor Swift's lucky number! [but not mine])


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