What's My Blog's Niche?

        Life is full of moments where we have to make a decision. It's like these game shows where you have to pick a door without knowing what's behind it.
Seven White Closed Doors
Decisions, decisions...
        For bloggers, one of these big decisions is choosing your niche. According to Dictionary.com, a niche is "a place or position suitable or appropriate for a person or thing". It comes from nidus, the Latin word for nest. I first learned about the term "niche" in Grade 9 Ecology, as a reference to how organisms interact with their environment. So what is a niche in blogging? Is it the position we have in the blogosphere or the way we interact with the Internet-using community? In actuality, it's more of the former than the latter. A niche in blogging is a fancy term for the theme, topic, or category that your blog is in. For example, if you were a chef who blogged about the recipes you're most proud of, your niche would be food or cooking. Or you are a passionate gamer that wants to target a specific audience with updates and reviews and such. Maybe in this case, your niche can be more specific, like Fortnite (a game that all the cool kids play, but I don't). Either way, your niche should better determine what you blog about.
        Personally, I am still a little clueless about my niche. Is it entertainment, motivation, lifestyle, or being a teenager, a unique teenager? Hopefully, if I continue to blog in my adulthood, my niche will become clear. After all, I am on the verge of growing up. In the meantime, here's a video from blogging analytics expert Neil Patel that can help you and me and all new bloggers out there answer the big question: What's my niche?


So, you didn't watch it, huh? No need to worry, these are my takeaways:

- make it about your passion in the long-term
- search for keywords and trends based on your choice
- Wikipedia is the only website that can have many niches
- it will take many posts to get there (Amen.)

        Long story short, like growing up, it will take me a while to get to my niche, and better blogs, with more traffic and such. As for now, I am just getting started.