I'm baaaaack!

        Wow! This is my first post since March, and I'm sorry for being inactive so long. Lots has happened since the pandemic, but through it all, I have created many stuff, including my first book.

        Well, you could say it's a book, but it's really just a journal of concepts, news, and topics worth discussing. I began writing the manuscript on February 12, 2020, just about a month before the economic shutdown (or what many refer to as 'lockdown'). I'm already about halfway through my manuscript-typing timeline, which is when I planned to consider publishing and marketing strategies, such as cover design. Status: a lot to come up with!

        I also have a Medium account which I might move my posts on this blog too. As of now, I've published two posts regarding Python projects I've made over the summer. You can find them at medium.com/zoght.

        Meanwhile, I've just started another year at school, which means new classes! One of the classes I'm taking this semester is Photography 10/11/12. So, over the next few months, at least until next spring, I'll be posting my weekly assignments and more from this class on my new site zoghtsphotography.weebly.com. Stay tuned and have an awesome 2020!

Here's a photo I took just outside my house. You'll probably notice the sky is a bit foggy, due to the wildfires in the western United States. Oh well, it'll clear up, eventually...
